The Knot
The Knot
Alice Jones
“Whether chronicling the dying of an ex-lover (to whom the first third of the book is dedicated) from AIDS, exploring the peculiar, grim intimacy of the medical student’s relationship with her anatomy-class cadaver, or pondering womb-life and birth, the narrator in Jones’ poems emerge as consistently complex and deeply human, integrating in a single voice the vision and experience of woman as lover, mother, physician, daughter.”
September 1992
ISBN: 9780914086963
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Alice Jones’s books of poems include The Knot and Isthmus from Alice James Books, Extreme Directions from Omnidawn, Gorgeous Mourning, which won the Robert H. Winner Award form the Poetry Society of America, and Plunge, was a finalist for the Northern California Book Award in Poetry. She is the recipient of fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the National Endowment for the Arts. Poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Poetry, Boston Review, Volt, Denver Quarterly, Verse, and in anthologies including Best American Poetry; Blood and Bone: Poems by Doctors; Verse and Universe: Poems about Science. Awards include fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers Conference and the National Endowment for the Arts, the First Annual Narrative Magazine Poetry Prize, and the Robert H. Winner and Lyric Poetry Awards from the Poetry Society of America. She practices psychoanalysis in Berkeley and is a founder and co-editor of Apogee Press.
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Additional Praise:
“The Knot is an extraordinary combination of lyricism, mythmaking, and an informed use of the language of medicine. We have had William Carlos Williams, the doctor-poet—now here is a woman, skilled at the same kind(s) of work, and with her own forceful voice.”
—Alicia Ostriker
“Poets and psychoanalysts have, in very different ways, to become masters of metaphor. Alice Jones is both a poet and a psychoanalyst. Her wonderful poems exemplify Freud’s statement, ‘The ego is first and foremost a body-ego,’ and illustrate the importance of the body (one’s own and one’s parents’) to the mind at every stage of life.”
—Leonard Shengold, M.D.
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More by Alice Jones:
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