Box Poems / Old Sheets
Box Poems / Old Sheets
Willa Schneberg, Larkin Warren
"[Schneberg] will speak for us, hear us, know our secret trouble, our intimate imagery and behavior. She has the life-strength, curiosity, perception, language. To read her is to learn that we survive by caring for strangers. Willa Schneberg is a poet with healing power. I read her with gratitude."
—Milton Kessler
January 1979
ISBN: 9780914086253
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Willa Schneberg is a poet, visual artist, curator and psychotherapist in private practice. She has authored five poetry collections including: Box Poems (Alice James Books); In The Margins of The World, recipient of the Oregon Book Award, Storytelling in Cambodia, (Calyx Books), and her latest volume, Rending the Garment. Willa has read at the Library of Congress, and has been a fellow at Yaddo and MacDowell. Poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and literary journals, including: American Poetry Review; Salmagundi, Poet Lore; Bellevue Literary Review and Harpur Palate. In 2018, she served as a poet-in-residence in Kathmandu.
“This space is left empty to create a white space. To create a white separation block in these individual book pages, add a Quote Block”
Additional Praise:
"This is the other side of the lullaby—equal parts reassurance and warning--the night world where the woman sleeps alone on old sheets, listening as the child listens, for the new and terrifying inflection of familiar sounds, foot-tap, pipe knock and something else: the enormous insistent music of her own waking, the aubade of her own voice."
—Carol Muske
“This space is left empty to create a white space. To create a white separation block in these individual book pages, add a Quote Block”
More by the author:
“This space is left empty to create a white space. To create a white separation block in these individual book pages, add a Quote Block”