Without Roof
Without Roof
Kinereth Gensler
“…Using existing myths or images from the natural world, she makes new fables on the experience of being a woman and a poet, on her Jewish heritage, and on uncovering the meaning of history.”
—The Virginia Quarterly Review
April 1981
ISBN: 9780914086321
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Kinereth Gensler grew up in Chicago and Jerusalem. She received her B.A. from the University of Chicago and her M.A. from Columbia University. She lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts and taught in the Radcliffe Seminars for more than twenty years. In addition to her three volumes of poetry with Alice James Books, she was co-author with Nina Nyhart of The Poetry Connection, a text for teaching poetry writing to children.
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Additional Praise:
“Without Roof focuses on loss and separation, but it celebrates courage and risk.”
—Karla Hammond
“…With economy and composure she describes things as they are: a fine love goes emotionally bankrupt; a woman’s body withers and grows past childbearing; the wildflowers sometimes conceal bat caves and minefields.”
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