Journey Fruit
Journey Fruit
Kinereth Gensler
“Kinereth Gensler has traveled far, moving freely across barriers, from Skowhegan to Jerusalem, from Hyderabad to Boston, and she brings everything she knows—wildflower and losses, grief and acceptance—into the continuous present of poetry. Journey Fruit is a graceful, wise, and rewarding book.”
—Chana Bloch
May 1997
ISBN: 9781882295135
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Kinereth Gensler grew up in Chicago and Jerusalem. She received her B.A. from the University of Chicago and her M.A. from Columbia University. She lived in Cambridge, Massachusetts and taught in the Radcliffe Seminars for more than twenty years. In addition to her three volumes of poetry with Alice James Books, she was co-author with Nina Nyhart of The Poetry Connection, a text for teaching poetry writing to children.
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Additional Praise:
“In understanding poems and brilliant short prose memoirs, Journey Fruit tells of a lifetime’s travel (‘an orange is the perfect journey fruit’). Kinereth Gensler spent her 1930’s childhood winters in Jerusalem and summers in Maine. As a girl, Gensler loved ‘the four sister ships of the American Export Line—the Exeter, the Excalibur, the Excambion, and the Exchorda.’ She writes, ‘After the war I asked around to see which of the Exes had survived the Nazi U-boats, but none of them had.’ Alert to irony and at ease with sorrow, Gensler offers us a generous, exciting book.”
—Alice Mattison
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