This Particular Earthly Scene

This Particular Earthly Scene

Sale Price:$10.46 Original Price:$13.95

Margaret Lloyd

“It is a pleasure to see poetry that is neither young nor old. Poetry of the adult heart. Beyond beginnings, past childhood, past first love, past the first child. And without nostalgia. This is fine poetry about a married heart that is still ambitious.”
—Jack Gilbert

April 1993

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Margaret Lloyd was born in Liverpool, England of Welsh parents and grew up in a Welsh community in central New York State. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press published William Carlos Williams’ Paterson: A Critical Reappraisal, now considered seminal in the field. Alice James Books brought out her first book of poems, This Particular Earthly Scene. Plinth Books published Lloyd’s second collection of poems, A Moment in the Field: Voices from Arthurian LegendForged Light was published by Open Field Press in November 2013, and Travelling on Her Own Errands: Voices of Women from The Mabinogi was published in 2017 in Wales by Gwasg Carreg Gwalch. Her poetry honors include a National Endowment for the Humanities grant, fellowships to Breadloaf and to Hawthornden Castle in Scotland, and a writing residency at Yaddo. A poet and painter, Lloyd is a Professor Emeritus of English at Springfield College.

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Additional Praise:

“The materials of This Particular Earthly Scene are one woman’s life—her experience of marriage and children, of the tension between responsibility towards others and personal creative needs, of love and ‘the failure of love.’ These are poems of the ‘unquiet heart,’ which knows ‘the complexity of inconstancy,’ and of a mind which faces harsh reality, including difficult self-knowledge, without illusions. The poems achieve rather than assume knowledge; their aim is not to display but to understand…The poems are well-shaped and unobtrusively skilful. Here, simplicity and directness are used subtly, to convey complex emotional states, and to achieve vivid expression. There is nothing loud or showy about the poems, but their quiet surface opens on unquiet depths.”
—Jeremy Hooker

“Elegantly crafted, deeply experienced, Margaret Lloyd’s This Particular Earthly Scene is a book of woman’s wisdom, sexual and spiritual, filled with seductions, scars, human touch.”
—Alicia Ostriker

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