In the Days that Followed

In the Days that Followed


Kevin Goodan

"In book after book, Kevin Goodan's bright eye sees the world keenly as a raptor's. Rapt. Raptor. Rapture. All meaning to seize or be seized. Reading In the Days That Followed, I am raptured. Hungry for each new page and grateful for the precise, lyric attention Goodan pays to the world."—Camille Dungy

May 2024

ISBN: 9781949944617


Available in both print and digital formats.

Raised on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Western Montana, Kevin Goodan began working for the U.S. Forest Service at a young age, and attended the Universities of Montana and Massachusetts. He has lived in Northern Ireland, and lectured at universities on terrorism. His poems have been published in Ploughshares and other journals. Currently, he resides on a small farm in Western Massachusetts.


Additional Praise:

"How to live in a world bent on falling and burning and yet so tenderly and urgently alive? In this collection-as-invocation, Kevin Goodan hovers between all that is unequivocally gone and all that is not yet given to see, listening, witnessing, and offering up luminous gifts that are absolutely 'part of the readying.'"
—Lia Purpura

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