Your Skin is a Country
Your Skin is a Country
Nora Mitchell
“‘To live on this continent exhilarates me,’ announces Nora Mitchell early in this book; then she goes on to prove it. Her passionate voice sounds like Whitman out of breath, writing in gaspingly brief lines; she seems deeply in love with everything she sees, everyone who touches her. Every experience—driving at dawn or watching Korean pearl divers—is read as transcendently meaningful. Mitchell never slides into the maudlin or bathetic; she shows too much emotional integrity for that. Passion like this is rare and exhilarating.”
November 1988
ISBN: 9780914086833
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Nora Mitchell was born in Philadelphia in 1956 and currently lives in Burlington, Vermont. She teaches in and directs the MFA in Writing Program at Goddard College. She received her B.A. in English Literature from Dartmouth College and her M.A. as well as her Ph.D. in English and American Literature from Brandeis University. Nora is the author of Your Skin Is A Country and Proofreading the Histories, both published by Alice James Books. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals including Calyx, Cedar Rock, Dark Horse and Sojourner. Her work has also been anthologized in I Feel a Little Jumpy Around You and Witness and Wait: Thirteen Poets from New England.
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Additional Praise:
“To write superb love poems using the imagery of the contemporary world, to reconcile fast driving, oil rigs, astronauts, the Vietnam War with the most tender and sensuous feelings is one of Nora Mitchell’s special achievements. She speaks in a wholly original voice, forthright and respectful of the reader, and she opens to us a world of subtle perceptions, drawn with delicacy and truth. Her skilful interweaving of public and private events, as in the moving ‘Replay’, makes each more meaningful. This book is a very great pleasure to read.”
—Erika Mumford
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