Where Divinity Begins
Where Divinity Begins
Deborah DeNicola
“Where Divinity Begins is stunning—sexy, jazzy, somber, and steeply Gregorian by turns. The poems view the world through an eye that magnifies and transforms like a prism. The voice blooms deep within a woman’s psyche, and speaks of the human soul, its myths, arts, passions and ordinary objects. But most of all the poems sing, and music here becomes thought, prayer, and the food that sustains us, carries us on our journeys.”
—Betsy Sholl
September 1994
ISBN: 9781882295029
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Deborah DeNicola is the author of six books and editor of dozens. Her most recent publication is her poetry collection, Original Human, from WordTech Press for which she received her fifth Pushcart Nomination. Her spiritual memoir, and Amazon Best Seller, The Future That Brought Her Here from Nicholas Hays/Ibis Press reached #1 is Psychology and Social Sciences on Amazon.com in Sept 2009 and won an Honorable Mention at the Los Angeles Book Festival in 2013. In 2007 Finishing Line Press published Inside Light, a chapbook. Deborah compiled and edited the anthology Orpheus & Company; Contemporary Poems on Greek Mythology from The University Press of New England, and in 2008 won the analytical essay award from Packingtown Review, The Santa Barbara Poetry Award, the first place award from Briar Cliff Review Poetry Competition in 2006, and Carpe Articulum’s first place in their 2010 Poetry Contest. In 2013 her short story won The Carol Bly Short Story competition and is featured on writersrisingup.com. She was awarded a Poetry Fellowship in 1997 from the National Endowment for the Arts, the William T. Foley Award from America, The Barbara Bradley Award from The New England Poetry Club, and a Special Mention from The Pushcart Prizes 1992. She is also the author of Where Divinity Begins (Alice James Press) and three other chapbooks, Harmony of the Next (2005) which won the Riverstone Chapbook Award, Psyche Revisited (1992), which won the Embers Magazine Chapbook Contest, and Rainmakers (Coyote Love Press ). Deborah received a Special Mention from Pushcart Prize 2002. Deborah has been a Bread Loaf Scholar and a recipient of fellowships from The MacDowell Colony, The Centrum Foundation, The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and The Vermont Studios. She teaches writing and dream image workshops in South Florida and is an editor for The South Florida Poetry Journal online. A freelance editor and book mentor, she works off her website www.intuitivegateways.com.
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Additional Praise:
“Where Divinity Begins is clearly poetry written out of necessity. There is nothing trivial here, nothing settled easily. Deborah DeNicola has an uncanny instinct to locate her poems at the heart of our human commerce so that questions asked are always the big questions, and the truths revealed are always the truths that can only be discovered through brave acts of the imagination. Her poems wear these gestures in the form of good, clear writing, and sensuous detail.”
—Bruce Weigl
“This first book struggles with issues of isolation, lost love and friendships, desire, hope—in terms that include classical and biblical allusions, painting, history—what we might expect, yes—but also counterpointed against tanning salons, beached whales and a variety of everyday events, for this is a poetry where the everyday is informed by those larger issues, and the larger issues given substance by the everyday. Where Divinity Begins explores the inner life and finds a place where courage, vision and music—the poet’s voice—become essential and lifesaving.”
—Richard Jackson
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