The Case Against Happiness
The Case Against Happiness
Jean-Paul Pecqueur
“…a promising poet with a generosity of spirit and the knowledge that ‘joy is not impossible.'”
—Publishers Weekly
November 2006
ISBN: 9781882295593
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Jean-Paul Pecqueur is a graduate of the University of Washington’s creative writing program, where he won the Academy of American Poets Harold Taylor Prize. His poems and critical reviews have appeared in such journals as American Letters & Commentary and Rain Taxi. He teaches Literary and Critical Studies at the Pratt Institute, and English at York College, City University of New York.
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Additional Praise:
“Sardonic and humorous, cynical and complex, these metaphysical musings celebrate the nameless dread, the logic of the illogical. They address big ideas: life, death, heaven, shoe shopping. They twist and loop, follow to unexpected conclusions….”
—Library Journal
“The voice in these poems is real and familiar but has rarely been captured in poetry. Read carefully and follow.”
—American Poet
“Pecqueur’s brand of nonchalant sarcasm is a delight.”
—The Great American Pin-Up
“Jean-Paul Pecqueur is a poet who has, in truth, in actual landscapes and stunningly immediate circumstances, wrestled with an angel. And the fact that his very particular, very contemporary angel wears the shape of a bird’s last breath and the elusive substance of human justice, troubles and delights me. These are poems of harrowing moment.”
—Donald Revell
“This space is left empty to create a white space. To create a white separation block in these individual book pages, add a Quote Block”
More by Jean-Paul Pecqueur:
“This space is left empty to create a white space. To create a white separation block in these individual book pages, add a Quote Block”