Sleep Handbook
Sleep Handbook
Nancy Lagomarsino
“Lagomarsino writes deceptively simple prose-poems about the realities of women’s lives…In the plainness of her speech, Lagomarsino finds a deep music of image and metaphor. A strong collection.”
June 1987
ISBN: 9780914086697
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Born in Montpelier, Vermont, Nancy Lagomarsino graduated with a B.A. in English from Northeastern University and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Vermont College. She is the author of three books of prose poems, Sleep Handbook (Alice James Books, 1987), The Secretary Parables (Alice James Books, 1991), and Light from an Eclipse (White Pine Press, 2005). Light from an Eclipse is a memoir covering the years of her father's Alzheimer’s disease. She has lived in Hanover, NH since 1974.
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Additional Praise:
“Nancy Lagomarsino has written a book of prose poems, plain-spoken, open-textured, touched with surprise…There’s a child feel to the book, Wonderland, more like a sequel, though; Alice grows up, goes to work, gets married, has kids…There’s the sense of immediate connection, good, gentle talk.”
—Poetry Flash
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