Live Feed
Live Feed
Tom Thompson
“Live Feed crackles and hums with newness. It is as fresh a re-imagining of the possibility of what language can be to the cityscape as Hart Crane’s was to the Brooklyn Bridge. It’s ‘break-neck,’ ‘nervy static,’ ‘non-sequential sequins.’ It’s voyeurism, gunmetal, brick and pigeons. With its cracks and fissures visible, Live Feed is the brash and beautiful portrait of today’s urban family.”
—D. A. Powell
September 2001
ISBN: 9781882295319
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Tom Thompson is the author of Passenger, The Pitch, and Live Feed. He lives in New York City with his wife, Miranda Field, and their two sons. His poems, reviews, and essays have been published widely.
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Additional Praise:
“. . .the poems in Live Feed hold together because of their sophisticated ligature and nervous system: flash-in-the-pan assonance and alliterative puns, onomatopoeia, staggered internal rhymes. Thom Thompson’s poems are galvanized by the surge of electrical language, and, more often than not, their popping and buzzing makes the hair stand at the back of your neck.”
“In Live Feed, Tom Thompson leads the pastoral deeply into a wild darkness of the here and now. Even more wonderfully, he leads it all the way to new light and hearty wakefulness. The project of American poetry is freshly companioned by these poems.”
—Donald Revell
“Tom Thompson’s poems are startling in their use of economy. They move quickly to the heart of matters the mind can indicate but only the spirit seize. In their various voices, anxious verbal gesturings, swift turns—in their understanding of the action of spirit as it swerves and gives body to a poem—they are enormously mature. In fact, a sense of readiness, great poise, and tightly-wound-up power govern this book from start to finish. It is original, as well as distinctly of its time. The voice is haunting, its probing necessary, its arrivals sturdy, passionate and true.”
—Jorie Graham
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