Disciplining the Devil's Country
Disciplining the Devil's Country
Carole Borges
This book explores the terrain of the distance between what is and what should be. It’s a healing book in the sense that it examines moments, concrete instances, of individual confrontations with the sacred. It’s a harsh book at times, but, above the portraits of a struggle and desperation, a voice can be heard singing hymns of praise. Life, if we can master the art of appreciation, contains innumerable riches.
January 1987
ISBN: 9780914086772
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
In addition to Disciplining the Devil's Country, Carole Borges has had work appear in Poetry, Piedmont Review, Soundings East and Kalliope, among others. She is currently the editor of Noble Beast, an online poetry magazine.
“This space is left empty to create a white space. To create a white separation block in these individual book pages, add a Quote Block”
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“This space is left empty to create a white space. To create a white separation block in these individual book pages, add a Quote Block”