Black Dog
Black Dog
Margo Lockwood
“Margo Lockwood’s poems take cues from the Irish poetic tradition and the Chinese in her depiction of nature and her simultaneous pursuit of the heart’s seasons, always listening to the subtext of that dialogue–what Frank O’Connor called ‘the body’s speech.'”
—Christopher Jane Corkery
October 1986
ISBN: 9780914086611
Available in Print. Digital Format Coming Soon.
Margo Lockwood is the author of six books of poetry, including Black Dog and Temper (bound with Nina Nyhart’s Openers), both from Alice James Books. Her poetry has appeared in such publications as The New Republic, Ploughshares, Menhaden Press and South Dakota.
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Additional Praise:
“The bete noir lurking behind Margo Lockwood’s title poem is the fear of growing ‘soft in the wrong place.’ No need to worry. These poems…are injected with Lockwood’s ‘waterfall adrenaline,’ the vitality she must have inherited from her ‘ancestor-Irish farmers.’ Their ancient Gift of Gab she has refined into the freshly observed, colorfully detailed, deeply feeling, moving poems that are her gift, a gift to us.”
—Lloyd Schwartz
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