Daylily Called It a Dangerous Moment

Daylily Called It a Dangerous Moment
Alessandra Lynch
Winner of the 2017 Balcones Poetry Prize
2018 UNT Rilke Prize Finalist
2017 L. A. Times Book Prize Poetry Finalist
A 2017 New York Times Best Poetry Book of the Year
“[Lynch] wants to show an act of violence in all its terrible particularity and also in the way it becomes a background against which identity trembles and sometimes fractures. It’s difficult to read this collection without thinking about how timely it is, but its force is in no sense dependent on that congruity.”
—The New York Times Book Review
June 2017
ISBN: 9781938584657
Available in both print and digital formats.

Alessandra Lynch’s most recent collection of poetry, Pretty Tripwire, was published in 2021. She is also the author of three other poetry collections: Sails the Wind Left Behind, It was a terrible cloud at twilight, and Daylily Called It a Dangerous Moment (winner of the Balcones Prize, finalist for the LA Times Book Award and the UNT Rilke Prize, listed as a NY Times top ten poetry books of 2017). Her work has appeared in the American Poetry Review, The New England Review, The Kenyon Review, Plougshares, and other journals. Alessandra has received residencies from MacDowell, Yaddo, the Lannan Foundation, and the Vermont Studio Center, and she has been the recipient of a Barbara Deming Award and a Creative Renewal Fellowship Award. She has also been a featured blogger for the Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Books. Currently, Alessandra serves as Butler University’s poet in residence where she teaches in the undergraduate and MFA programs. Alessandra’s fifth book of poetry, Wish Ave, will be published by Alice James Books in 2024.
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Additional Praise:
“Raw and unflinching, the poems of Daylily occupy a fraught space between silence and voicing silence, writing and the impossible inadequacies of language, memory and its failures, agency and the moment agency is ripped away.”
—Cincinnati Review
“Lynch exhibits a steely bravery as she teases out the workings of the ecosystem of trauma.”
—Publishers Weekly, starred review
“Read as poetry of witness, the collection is illuminating, for trauma survivors and for those willing to behold its aftermath.”
“With a music prowess both deft and ferocious, these empathetic poems in Daylily Called It a Dangerous Moment woe and terrify simultaneously. Terrible things happen in this book and it’s wonderful—such is the redemptive power of poetry this exquisite.”
—Dean Young
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More by Alessandra Lynch:

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